What is TKD?

Taekwon-Do is an art of self-defence founded by a Korean General, Choi Hong Hi. Taekwon-Do was officially recognized on 11th April 1955 when General Choi after exhaustive researching, developing, and experimenting, proclaimed Taekwon-Do to the world as a completely valid and unique martial art having a basic Korean origin.

Translated literally ‘Tae’ stands for jumping or flying, to kick with the foot. ‘Kwon’ denotes the fist – chiefly to punch or strike with the hand or fist. ‘Do’ means an art or way – the right way built and paved by saints and sages of the past.

Taekwon-Do is a martial art that has no equal in either power or technique, which has been developed using the principles of modern science. It provides the practitioner with ability to defend him or herself. Used wrongly, Taekwon-Do can cause harm to others. Therefore mental training must always be stressed to prevent the student from misusing it and to promote a strong sense of justice, fortitude, humility and resolve.

Although Taekwon-Do started out in the Korean army and was only practiced by soldiers, today it is one of the most popular martial arts practiced by millions of people of all ages, all over the world. In recent years, children of an increasingly younger age are taking up Taekwon-Do. Studies have shown that, taught properly, Taekwon-Do can provide many benefits for children. Those who practice Taekwon-Do are likely to become less aggressive as Taekwon-Do develops moral character, discipline and self-control. Yet they will develop strength and assertiveness so they can deal with bullying and aggressive behaviour.

With children as young as 3 years starting Taekwon-Do, the International Taekwon-Do Federation decided that it was important to develop a specific programme for the young students, hence the ‘Taekwon-Do Kids Development Program’.

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